Sights & excursion destinations
In Warnemünde

in Warnemünde and Rostock

Warnemünde is one of the most popular holiday destinations in northern Germany, because with the 150 meter wide sandy beach, the town has the widest sandy beach on the German Baltic Sea coast.

The popular Warnemünde Week and the Hanse Sail take place here every summer. Events such as the port parties at the passenger quay in Warnemünde or the kitesurf trophy on the beach are also worth seeing!

The old stream

old stream
The old stream has a special charm and is definitely worth a visit. | © pixabay

Who in Warnemünde still the Charm of the former fishing village want to feel, with its seaman's skates, the small alleyways and the fishing boats that were anchored here, he is invited to take a walk along the Alter Strom. It smells everywhere here freshly smoked fish, which can be sold and enjoyed directly from the fishing boats. The above circling gulls should not be fed, but are just as much a part of the historic as of the modern Baltic Sea resort and the sights of Warnemünde.

A look back: The old electricity back then

A historical look at the Alter Strom goes as far as that early 15th century back when it was laid out here on the banks of the Warnow. Until the beginning of 20. century the Alter Strom was the only place where ships coming from the Baltic Sea could moor in a Rostock port. Thus, the Alter Strom was not only important for the fishermen, but also for the trade of the entire region. When Warnemünde was first settled, there were only two streets parallel to the Alter Strom, Alexandrinenstrasse and 'Am Strom'. To this day, the historic small fishermen's cottages have become one of the Sights of Warnemunde obtained.

Stroll, celebrate and enjoy: The old stream today

Today, two paths lead you along the Alter Strom. You can walk along the waterfront and watch the ships coming in and out, or take a seat on a bench and simply enjoy the maritime atmosphere. A little above this path is the Promenade along the Alter Strom, which is lined with many small shops, restaurants, bars and ice cream parlors. Those who are interested in architecture will be particularly enthusiastic about the well-preserved old captain's houses as sights of Warnemünde. At the level of the Warnemünde drawbridge, there are also a few excursion boats waiting on the Alter Strom, which take passengers spontaneously and without registration all year round in order to show them the local waters and give them a view of Warnemünde and the Alter Strom from the water side.

Teepott and lighthouse in Warnemünde

Warnemünde lighthouse and tea pot
The two landmarks of Warnemünde | © shutterstock

On the site of today's teapot stood until 1945 a tea pavilion, which was destroyed by fire the day after the end of the war. In 1968, Rostock architects designed a new pavilion with the characteristic domed roof in the same place. After the end of the GDR and ten years of vacancy, extensive construction work took place 2002 the reopening instead of. Today there is a restaurant and a museum with the permanent exhibition "Reinhold Kasten - The last great adventurer of the 20th century" in the Warnemünde Teepott.
In the immediate vicinity is the Warnemünde lighthouse with a Height of 36,90 meters. Built in 1898 as part of the commissioning of steamships, it is still used today not only for tourism but also as a beacon. You get a unique view of Warnemünde from above.

Harbor cruises

Harbor tour in Warnemünde

For people which are looking for high quality french cuisine in Warnemunde vacation makes, should have undertaken at least one harbor tour. The Alter Strom offers the opportunity to do so. A few passenger ships are anchored here to wait for guests traveling with them. As a rule, you do not need to register for any of the tours in advance. Just stroll down the shopping mile and pick one of the ships moored between the station bridge and the foot of the pier. Take a tour of the maritime sights of Warnemünde on one of these ships.

The routes of the passenger ships along the maritime sights

Many of the passenger ships in Warnemünde go up to Rostock city port. Here you can dismount and spend your own time in the Hanseatic city, stop off at one of the cafés at the harbor or stroll through the Kröpeliner Straße with its old town houses and shops. As a rule, the passenger ships return to Warnemünde every hour. On the route you will see the Warnemünde shipyards, where the big cruise ships are built, and the individual ports that have been built here throughout history.

Mini cruise Warnemünde with the MS Baltica

With the  Passenger ship MS Baltica take an eventful mini cruise between Graal-Müritz and Warnemünde on the Baltic Sea. From April to October, the ship starts every Sunday on a tour to Warnemünde with its pier, the marina and the Alter Strom. In the midst of the seafaring romance, visitors pass old fishermen's houses and may even be accompanied part of the way by one of the large luxury liners. On some trips you have the opportunity to go ashore in between.

City and Food Tour

City tours in Warnemünde
The houses on Alexandrinenstrasse are a popular attraction in Warnemünde. | © Shutterstock

Many travelers find it more fun to experience a new place together with others, to talk about what they have seen and at the same time to get important information about the history of the individual sights in Warnemünde. You get this opportunity on one of the city tours that are offered all year round in the Baltic Sea resort.

Maritime city tour to the sights: Warnemünde between windward and leeward

You can visit the maritime sights of Warnemünde on the themed city tour of Warnemünde between windward and leeward. Between May and September you can stroll with a city guide through the small streets, along the Alter Strom and along the promenade, from where you have a fantastic view of the expanse of the sea. During the tour you will hear stories that are related to the individual sights of Warnemünde and also those that are told today.

Funny to cheerful: Funny city tour with Klaus & Klaus

It gets particularly cheerful on the guided tour through the Baltic Sea resort "Claus and Claus". Badegast Klaus and Fischer Klaus guide the visitors in a humorous way through the seaside resort and will tell you, among other things, why Warnemünde's holidaymakers once came here "de Berliners" called. At the end of the city tour, you will be able to tell those at home why the writer Joachim Ringelnatz did not like the cognac here. Which famous vacationers used to come to Warnemünde for their summer holidays? And what stories are told about the ferry station and the shipyard? You can be curious.

To the historical sights in Warnemünde with Fiete Fischkopp

Look forward to an eventful tour of Warnemünde with the Fischer Fiete. In addition to visiting historical sights in Warnemünde, you will be very well entertained. at Acting, music and magic effects experience your vacation spot from a completely different perspective.

Warnemünde at night: Evening city tour with the Latüchtenwart

What did Warnemünde look like 150 years ago? How did people live here and what did a lantern keeper experience when he roamed the streets at night? You can find out all of this on an evening city tour of the seaside resort. on High German and Platt he reveals "Latucht Guardian" Exciting things from the old days in Warnemünde.


Dates and costs for all city tours can be obtained from the Rostock Tourist Office.

The Warnemünde Church

In the middle of the small market square parallel to the Alter Strom at the height of the drawbridge is the Warnemünde Church as one of the sights of Warnemünde. Until the end of the 19th century, the only church in the Baltic Sea resort was on the Alter Strom. However, when this became too small for the growing number of residents, the current church was built on the church square and the walls of the old church were demolished. However, the altar, the pulpit, the main components of the Christopher statue and parts of the lectern and the seating were transferred to the current building.

The multifaceted architecture of the sacred building

Different architectural and stylistic construction methods are combined in church building. the Winged altar comes from the late Gothic period. The oldest part of the church is the wing piece belonging to the altar 1500 made would. The pulpit by the year 1965 was a museum piece and was then put back in the church, comes from about the End of the 16. century. One of the most important sights of the Evangelical Church in Warnemünde is the 3,72 meter high statue of St. Christopher, who is carrying a child on his shoulders. The church even has its own organ, which is played on special occasions such as church services and concerts.

Church music, services and concerts: Special events in the church

Those who go on holiday in the Baltic Sea resort of Warnemünde will have one at any time of the year Event can visit in the Warnemünde church. In addition to the regular church services, high-quality concerts also take place here, especially in the evenings.

In the summer months from July to September you can experience Choir singing every Tuesday at 18 p.m in the excellent acoustics of the church. The fixed annual dates also include the Martin parade on November 11 and the Christmas music over the Christmas holidays.

Theater Warnemunde

For many vacationers, culture and Warnemünde belong together. With the Small comedy in Warnemünde visit a light-hearted space for a manageable number of visitors, where you can be taken out of your everyday life for a few funny, thoughtful or emotional moments.

From flea cinema to modern theater stage

As part of the Rostocker Volkstheater, the visitors are not placed in tiers, but take a seat at one of the 10 tables. In the past, people in these rooms were entertained here by a flea cinema that went by the name "Starfish" was known. In its current form, the venue has been one of the sights of Warnemünde since 1968, which is regularly visited by both local residents of Warnemünde and Rostock. Today, pieces from a wide range of genres are performed here. Cabaret, Comedy, Drama: Let yourself be surprised which plays are on the program of the little comedy during your visit to the Baltic Sea resort of Warnemünde.

Theater in the first row: The Kurhaus in Warnemünde

Also found in the Warnemünde Kurhaus regular cultural events instead of. In summer, the Kurhaus garden is often used for concerts and theater performances. Spa concerts, maritime evenings and solo performances by local and nationally known celebrities form the repertoire of the Warnemünde Kurhaus.

The building itself is also one of the sights in Warnemünde. Even before construction began, there was a spa garden here; The pavilion and the reading hall, which were built in the historic spa style architecture, date from this period. The building itself was early 20th century built and used for different purposes. At first, a restaurant and a café invited the spa guests of the Baltic Sea resort to spend pleasant hours here, in times of war ammunition was manufactured here. Then as now, the Kurhaus was largely used as a cultural center and as an event and congress center.

Edvard Munch House in Warnemuende

The old fisherman's house now bears the name of Norwegian avant-garde Edvard Munch, who lived here during his last station in self-imposed exile from 1907 to 1908. As a painter and graphic artist, he found the inspiration for commissioned works by Max Reinhard, the then director and director of the Deutsches Theater in Berlin, in the Baltic Sea resort. After an extensive renovation in the 90s, the house now serves as a cultural meeting place, in which two artists from Germany and Norway can be here at the same time. You will also experience regular cultural events in the fields of literature, music and the visual arts.

Warnemünde local history museum

In the listed fisherman's house, which is rather inconspicuous from the outside, you will receive vividly presented information about the life of the fishermen, their history and the development of Warnemünde into a bathing resort. Built in 1767, you can still see the original structure and furnishings of the rooms. Today the museum houses a permanent exhibition as well as regular special exhibitions.

July 03rd: Opening of the exhibition
Special exhibition about the cultural-historical importance and the technical development of timekeeping in rural Mecklenburg-West Pomerania.

Opening hours
Summer: 01.04. – 31.10.
Tuesday to Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 18:00 p.m

Winter: 01.11. – 31.03.
Wednesday to Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 18:00 p.m